Starting 1 January 2017, all Dogs, Cats, Wolves, Hybrid and Ferrets must be registered with the City of Greenwood per Ord. 16-17. This new Animal Ordinance repealed 8 outdated Animal Ordinances. The Registration window ends on 1 March 2017. If your animal is picked up after 1 March 2017 and is NOT registered, you may be found in violation of City Ord. 16-17.
Download City Ordinance 16-17
Registrations can still be done a the 3 Vet Clinics in the City of Greenwood or at the Greenwood Police Department. Colored City Tags will be issued for each pet. Furthermore, the City does not provide a amnesty month for free registrations. Lastly, all animals must be current on rabies vaccinations. Any questions, please contact the Animal Control Officer at 479-332-8814.